Code Library - Point Symbolisation

Points can be assigned a symbol based on the point code.
The point can also be placed onto certain layers and assigned a colour etc

The rules for this operation are usually held in the config file (e.g. GeoSurveg_config.xml).
See the <pointCodes> section of that file.
The "Program Settings/Code Library File", if entered tells GS to use the Code Library in that file instead of the config file.

For info on String Codes or for info on Symbol Definitions


  1. You might observe and record tree positions and tree types with code TR1. When you do 'Point Symbolisation' GeoSurvey will automatically assign a symbol to each matching point with that code.
  2. When 'Form Strings' is done, the first occurrence of a code will auto create the layer and all the attributes you define.
  3. Subsequent occurrences of the code will be placed on that layer but will not change the layer attributes. e.g. If first occurrence has symbol 3, thelayer will be assigned symbol 3 and the point will be 'ByLayer'. If the second ocurrence has symbol 4, the layer will not be changed but the point bwill get symbol 4.
  4. Codes are always case insensitive. They are always converted to upper case before comparison. This 'KB1' is the same as 'kb1'

Point Code Tags

The following xml tags will be recognised.
   <point code="EBC" symbol="3" contourable="yes" layer="text" colour="BROWN" style="23" thickness="2" symbolSize="10.0" textSize="3.0" textAngle="135" />
   <point code="PEG" symbol="PEG" contourable="yes" layer="obs" size="10.0" size_in_metres="Y" />
   <point code="TR*" symbol="TR" symbolSize="3.8" scale_attr="Canopy" contourable="no" layer="Trees" colour="GREEN" style="4" />

   <point code="10*" trans_code="TR*" />
   <point code="20*" trans_code="RD*" />
   <point code="30*" trans_code="Fence*" />

Action TagMeaning
<Code> Point code to be used for point symbolisation, use a * for 'wildcard' characters. 'TR*' means any point starting with 'TR' will be symbolised
<Symbol> The name/number of the symbol to be assigned to points with this code. See Symbol Definitions or Standard Symbols
<symbolSize="3.8" Sets the symbol size in mm at the job plot scale. If "size_in_metres" is set to Yes, this value is the symmbol size in Metres.
<size_in_metres="Yes" Sets the symbol size in Metres instead of mm. Default is "No"
<scale_attr="Canopy" Tells the program to scale the symbol using the Point attribute e.g. 'Canopy' The other way to scale a symbol is via the Action codes, See Code Processing for info on valid action codes
<Contourable> "Yes" or "No" defines if the point to be used for triangle/contour formation. If not specified, Contourable=Yes
<Layer> The point will be placed onto this layer, the layer will be automatically created if necessary. The layer will be assigned attributes like colour, style etc from this point code definition. This allows you to auto assign certain Layer attributes whne the layer is created.
<Colour> Symbol colour. If the colour is the same as the layer colour, it will be set to 'BYLAYER' If not specified, it will be set to 'BYLAYER'. If a layer is created, this sets the layer line colour. See also Colours
<style="4"> Line style 0-57. If a layer is created, this sets the layer line style. See Standard Line Styles
<thickness="1.5"> If a layer is created, this sets the layer line thickness to 1.5mm
<textSize="3.6" If a layer is created, this sets the layer text size in mm
<textAngle="51" If a layer is created, this sets the text angle in degrees for the layer
<Trans> Translated point code. This can be used to translate one coding system to another. The input code might be '101' which you want converted to TR1. The input code might be '203' which you want converted to RD3. The input code might be '3067' which you want converted to Fence67

Point Code Translation

This can be used to convert from one system of coding to a different standard, say defined by your customer
Use the menu option Points/Point Functions/Translate Point Codes to convert the codes.
See Translate Point Codes for details.